AVS Strategic Plan 2015-16

AVS Strategic Plan for 2015-2016

Did you know that the aim of AVS is ‘to improve veterinary student life and education by providing representation, support and encouraging engagement in wider issues of the profession’? Well, how exactly do we deliver on those aims to represent, support and engage? Take a look at our new strategic plan to find out what we’re up to. Things in italics are coming soon...


  1. Student representatives provide a communication link between vet societies at different universities, student opinion at different universities and AVS.
  2. Student representation by attendance of executive committee at BVA, RCVS, Vet Schools Council (VSC), and EMS Co-ordinators meetings.
  3. Continue to promote the 3 roles of AVS in order to increase engagement and therefore representation of the student body.
  4. Freshers presentations in every vet school.
  5. Social media presence.
  6. AVS video.
  7. Regular surveys of student opinion including feedback/evaluation of AVS's performance, including the triennial BVA/AVS survey.
  8. Make AVS to the 'go to' organisation for other organisations/businesses who want to reach all UK and Ireland veterinary students.
  9. Promote our elections to further increase the number of candidates and the number of voters at all vet schools.
  10. Improve the visual appearance of AVS in order to represent students in a professional manner.


  1. Champion the welfare and well-being of all vet students.
  2. Promote positive welfare interventions and the implementation of the Liverpool peer-support model across all vet schools.
  3. Provision on grants for student welfare initiatives at all vet schools.
  4. Raise awareness of mental health issues.
  5. Signpost effectively to support services including VBF Vet helpline.
  6. Provide useful academic resources:
    1. Pre-Clinical EMS Guide
    2. NAVLE information
    3. Intercalation information and guidance
  7. Provide inspiration, advice and opportunities for diverse careers within the veterinary profession for students, simultaneously reducing 'stigma' around different career paths.
    1. Graduate profiles
    2. Working abroad guidance


  1. Increase student engagement in veterinary-related politics and current issues.
  2. Social media presence and interaction.
  3. Website news items.
  4. President's’ blog.
  5. JAVS
  6. Increase communications between AVS and other vet/nurse/medical student organisations.
  7. Encourage liaison between vet students at different universities by bringing them together at events including Sports Weekend and Congress.
  8. Encourage discussion and debate of animal welfare related issues by collaboration with The Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF).
  9. Provide members with information on AVS activities via email, social media and maintenance of the AVS website.

As always, if you have any queries, or even some fantastic new ideas don’t hesitate to get in touch!

The AVS committee
