Student opinion on a new vet school in Wales

Student opinion on a new vet school in Wales

Thank you to everyone who responded to our recent survey regarding the topic above, we received well over 700 responses. 81% of students felt there was not a current need for a veterinary school in Aberystwyth, whilst 84% would not have listed it as their first choice had it been available to them at the time of their application.

As expected most of the responses reflected the same opinions as recently summarised in our workforce policy, with a lot of concerns over standards of education, devaluation of the veterinary degree (due to numbers of students and the course being run at a 'less prestigious' university), job prospects and availability of good quality EMS. Of the Welsh respondents, opinion was evenly divided concerning both of the above statements.

Your comments, ranging from areas such as finance to the use of the Welsh language and the local provision of EMS were both thought provoking and insightful. All your responses were used to inform the BVA of the current student opinion and have been shared with an organisation carrying out a 'needs analysis' on the new school at Aberystwyth. Thank you once again for helping us better represent the views of veterinary students in the UK and Ireland.